Currently Compatible Products -

“Muse Poses” (currently @ Kinky Event)

"Dummy Thicc 4 - Raunchy Rump"

"Dummy Thicc 5 - Bouncy Boobs"

"Dummy Thicc 6 - Bounding Booty"

“Dummy Thicc 7 - Gravity & Cleavage”

"Jiggles, Twerk n Handstand"

"Pat N Spank"

"Grope N Move"

"Come & Get It!"

“Booty Rhythm"

"Dummy Thicc 1 Cakes",

"Dummy Thicc 2 - Thunder Thighs"

"Dummy Thicc 3 - Belly Dance N Arms"

"Booty Dances"


"Tactile Booty"

“Perpetual Motion"

"Smoosh n' Titilate"

"Bouncy Bounce"

"Jiggle Juggs"


"Thumb Sucking"

See an album of all products currently compatible with Birth's Web Hud on Flickr -
Here -